Social Services Involvement / Child Protection
It can be very daunting and distressing if social services become involved with your family and children. Social Service involvement can include child protection plans and children in need plans which are discussed with you and you can work in partnership with social services to alleviate their concerns and improve your situation. Unfortunately there are situations when social services become so concerned that they invite you for a special meeting to discuss their concerns and work out a plan to move forward. These meetings can be scary and upsetting. Enfield Family Law can accompany you to these meetings and try and ease the way forward.
In certain circumstances the court becomes involved and can be asked to make one or more of a number of orders such as:
Emergency Protection Orders and Care Orders
Supervision Orders
Secure Accommodation Orders
Medical treatment of children
We, at Enfield Family Law can provide advice and representation in proceedings. As a member of The Law Society Children Panel, Lesley Landsberg will deal with your matter in a sensitive and sympathetic way whilst ensuring that you get a fair trial and the right help that is needed to try and keep your family together.
Other Orders
Contact with a child in Local Authority care
Grandparents or other relatives involved in care proceedings
Legal Aid is available to meet your legal costs. If you are a party to the Care Proceedings, there is an automatic entitlement to Legal Aid.
You may be a grandparent, aunt, or even just a friend who is able to help out put yourself forward to care for the children but are not being listened to. In certain situations it may be necessary for you to be a part of the proceedings.
If you find yourself in any of the situations above, your first port of call should be ENFIELD FAMILY LAW. We can 'spring' in to action , attend court and fight your corner.